Create with SoftRig
The development and distribution platform
APIs for accounting, payroll, timesheets and invoice distribution
A Uni Micro service

Organisations are building amazing services

Powered by SoftRig

For developers

Visit the developer portal to find documentation on our API and register your application to start developing new solutions.

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Why SoftRig – a Uni Micro service

– a customer oriented, dynamic, and goal-oriented organisation at your service

  • Fast

    With our accessible well-documented APIs and the rig ready, you can bring innovations to market rapidly

  • Security

    A strong focus on security, compliance and privacy is at our core

  • Flexible

    SoftRig supports scaling both in complexity and number of customers

  • Knowledge + technology

    35 years of building software combined with the latest technology = empowered
  • Cost-effective

    Capitalise on what has been built already and use resources smartly

Uni Micro - a Norwegian market leader in business software

About us
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